
Toxicity sign

Substances with a toxicity hazard will have this symbol on their chemical label. This sign means that exposure to the chemical can be toxic or fatal if inhaled or ingested, or if it comes into contact with the skin. Where can we find it? They are found especially in laboratories and chemistry equipment.

Asking for help gesture

This gesture is only to ask for help and consists of putting your flea in the palm of your hand and after that raise the hand. Where can I find it? Everytime that you or someone needs help of anykind.


 This gesture is commonly used when you wanna to remember something like a place or person or some details about a food or anything else Where can I find it? You can see it frecuently when you ask something and the person that you made the question tries to remeber.

Radioactive sign

This signal is placed in places where there are materials or the area is with radioactivity this signal is the most dangerous, because without the necessary equipment could cause a slow death, it is a warning signal to move away from the area. Where can we find it? Radioactive zones Radioactive containers Some medical devices


This gesture its only purpose is to show your dissapointment in a certain situation or person. Where can I find it? When you see something that is very disappointing.  

Calm down gesture

  This gesture means "calm down" it can be used where there's a fight, or someone is starled, you can just aproach to the situation and make this gesture and everyone will understand but it doesn't assure you that the persons will follow the advice given. Where can I find it? Literally in any place that there's a tense situation like a fight.

Flammable sign

Flammable signs are a type of warning sign and these warn us of the presence of a flammable gas or liquid this sign means that the substance can easily catch fire if exposed to a source of ignition, so we must be very careful if we have heat nearby.  Where can we find it? This sign can be found in many places such as trucks transporting such materials, construction materials, bottles with fammable substances and pipes.